Hi! We’re

Our mission is blend the latest technology and craftsmanship to produce world-class 3D scanning products that are simple yet powerful.

Our products are developed and produced in Vancouver, Canada.

Our products are for engineers, researchers and professionals that require the best in visualization and measurement.
About Us
Polyga Inc. is a global leader in 3D scanning research & development with passionate engineers building industrial 3D scanning products for other engineers and professionals since 2016.
Founded in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, making waves in the tech industry with their cutting-edge scanning solutions. From metrology to healthcare to entertainment, Polyga’s expertise and innovative technology is helping clients around the world improve their 3D scanning capabilities and stay ahead of the competition.
At the heart of Polyga’s success is their commitment to blending the latest technology and craftsmanship to produce the most reliable industrial grade products. Polyga’s team of experienced engineers works closely with clients to understand their project goals and develop solutions that meet their industry needs.
We pride ourselves on manufacturing the highest quality 3D scanners, and smart 3D scanning software that provides the most intuitive workflow possible, whatever the industry. With a worldwide presence and a large network of distributors, we deliver state-of-the-art 3D technology to people all over the world with key focus on:
Industrial Grade Scanning
All of our 3D scanners are certified and calibrated against NIST traceable measurement standards. Every sensor is of known accuracy and tested according to VDI/VDE 2634 performance standards. Our customers depend on our metrology-grade products and we work hard to ensure our scanners meet their exacting standards.
In addition, Polyga 3D scanners are built using high-grade metal and composite internals with aluminum enclosures. Software and algorithms are rigorously tested to ensure that we maximize scanner precision and performance.
Powerful Features for Professionals
Polyga’s key focus remains on solving hard measurement problems. In addition to powerful hardware products, we develop a range of software automation solutions for mesh-processing, measurement and analysis that work on several different platforms from embedded to cloud-based. Our algorithms are robust, high-speed, and battle-tested to deliver sub-millimeter accuracies for real-time measurement.
Expert Technical Support
Polyga’s expertise extends beyond technology. The company prides itself on providing exceptional customer service, with a team dedicated to supporting clients throughout the entire 3D scanning process. From project planning to data delivery, Polyga’s team is committed to making the process as simple and straightforward as possible for their clients.
With more than 10 years of 3D scanning expertise, our engineering support team are experts who can assist you in solving the most challenging of 3D scanning problems from high-speed to high-accuracy. Our engineering team has a deep understanding of our product line to provide mechanical, electrical and software integration with robotics, motion control and other complex environments.
Custom Solutions for OEMS
Not only do we develop a range of off-the-shelf equipment for common scanning applications but we also work with companies to design and manufacture custom and bespoke solutions for their specific scanning needs.
Polyga fully develops the full complete 3D scanning pipeline from electronics, and mechanicals to software interfaces. This enables us to precisely control the performance of the scanner to provide the exact performance and price characteristics that our customers are looking for.
If you have any other questions about what type of scanner is right for your project, feel free to contact our team at contact@polyga.com, and we will be happy to help.